Home Synagogues Or Atid Congregation Or Atid’s Shabbat Experience for all young families and friends

Congregation Or Atid’s Shabbat Experience for all young families and friends


On Feb. 4, Congregation Or Atid held the monthly “Young Families Shabbat Experience.”

Congregants Chelsea and Jason Tinsley hosted the evening with congregants Leslie and Kevin Archer preparing the feast!

Rabbi Sherry Grinsteiner led the Shabbat, with the children singing, dancing, and participating in prayers.  Once again, the sanctuary was filled with giggles and wide eyes as younger members were given a Shabbat like experience.

Prayers from the religious school were used so those young members could feel confident in their space within the sanctuary.  The experience was followed by the aforementioned dinner in which families could connect and chat!

This wonderful Shabbat Experience is open to all young families and non-members are invited to join us.

For more information or to register, please contact the synagogue office at (804) 740-4747 or visit oratid.org where you will find all our events posted at the calendar tab.