Home Community President’s Corner: March

President’s Corner: March

Arlene Wiener

Collaboration is the theme running through the latest initiatives of the Hadassah Richmond chapter.

As I write this article, tomorrow is Virginia Jewish Advocacy Day. A day in which Hadassah Richmond joins the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond and its Jewish Community Relations Committee to meet with state senators and delegates to advocate for our top Jewish concerns. (see another Hadassah article and photos plus one under Federation)

Purim is coming and Hadassah Richmond is collaborating with JSocial to create a Women’s Led Megillah reading on the evening of March 6. We have also been partnering with the JCC in providing weekly Mah Jongg lessons.

I am very excited to mention that a group of young women are planning monthly Rosh Chodesh groups. The group aims to create a safe space of reflection and connection with an educational component.

What a great way to set your intentions for the month to come.

Please continue to bring your ideas forward. We can make it happen. Look forward to seeing you at our upcoming events.


Arlene Wiener, Hadassah Richmond  President
