Home Federation Ukraine Emergency Update

Ukraine Emergency Update


By Sara Rosenbaum, Chief Impact Officer, JCFR

Since February 2022, community members have generously donated $487,183.54 to support the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond’s Ukraine Emergency Fund.

The Ukraine Emergency Committee has allocated:

  • $235,000 to the work of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee (JDC) to support those who have remained in Ukraine and across Europe with food, housing, medicine and basic humanitarian needs for the past year.
  • $90,000 to support the work of the Jewish Agency for Israel as they help bring Jews from Ukraine and Russia escaping the war. This work allows individuals and families to make Aliyah and begin new lives in Israel.
  • $20,000 to ORT to support safety and security in their school programs in Ukraine and all around Europe as they continue to educate and support their families during the year on war and beyond.
  • $35,300 directly to our sister-city partners in Zaporizhia through Chabad and the Mazel Tov JCC as they remain on the ground in Ukraine caring for those unable to leave and who are deeply impacted feeling from Russian-occupied Ukraine. Our partners are still providing humanitarian work and providing safety, security and hope against the background of war.
  • $20,000 and matching funds from Jewish Federations of North America have been allocated in partnership with JFS to hire a dedicated case worker to support the Ukrainian refuge families who have made their way to Richmond. More than 23 families have already been resettled and welcomed to our community.
  • $25,000 has been allocated toward the work of caring for the Ukrainian refugee families here in Richmond. These funds have helped provide scholarships for camp and RTA Day School, initial housing costs, English classes, basic needs and much more.

We thank our over 615 donors to the Ukraine Emergency Campaign, our partners agencies – Rudlin Torah Academy, Weinstein JCC and Jewish Family Services –  and so many volunteers for helping us continue this work.

This work is supported by the Federation Annual Campaign and makes it possible for every dollar of the Ukraine Emergency Campaign to be allocated to this ongoing work.

If you would like to make a donation to the Ukraine Emergency Campaign, please visit:
