Home Agencies RTA receives $100,000 donation from Carole and Marcus Weinstein for scholarships

RTA receives $100,000 donation from Carole and Marcus Weinstein for scholarships

Mrs. Halina Zimm poses with RTA students, Rabbi Elisha Paul and Dr. Sheri Prupis, RTA president.

On the morning of Sept. 1st, RTA – Richmond Hebrew Day School was the recipient of an historic contribution in support of its scholarship program.

Mr. and Mrs. Marcus and Carole Weinstein generously donated $100,000 to assist 10 students to attend Central Virginia’s only Jewish day school.

This contribution was presented in honor of Mrs. Halina Zimm, a Holocaust Survivor and educator, who has shared her incredible story of perseverance with thousands of people around the Commonwealth, including at the Virginia Holocaust Museum with our RTA students.

Mrs. Zimm remarked, “this is the most wonderful thing I ever got. To be surrounded by the kids; this is our future.”

Mrs. Halina Zimm holds check donation along with Dr. Sheri Prupis, RTA president


We thank the Weinsteins for their investment in RTA and for their inspiring commitment to education. Mr. and Mrs. Weinstein’s philanthropy in the world of education is well known as they are pillars at the University of Richmond, Ben Gurion University, Davidson College, and many more excellent academic centers.

In addition, we thank RTA parent and community leader, Rabbi Dovid Asher of Keneseth Beth Israel, for helping to facilitate this generous gift.

We are grateful for Mr. and Mrs. Weinstein’s partnership in making a Jewish education affordable to all those who wish to attend RTA. If you would like to make additional scholarship donations in honor of Mrs. Zimm or anyone else, please contact RTA.

Several more photos from the special presentation at RTA.