Home Agencies 15th Annual Israeli and Jewish Film Festival Festival

15th Annual Israeli and Jewish Film Festival Festival


Weinstein JCC is proud to host the 15th Annual Israeli and International Jewish Film Festival from Jan. 18-28, as part of the 2023-2024 Arts + Ideas Season.

This popular film festival is presented by Weinstein Properties and is dedicated to fostering an understanding of Israeli and Jewish culture as well as introducing viewers to Israel’s young but thriving film industry.

This annual festival features films based upon various considerations such as awards and nominations, timely subject matter, and most importantly, input from the volunteer film committee.

In 2024, there will be four films that will be screened in person at the Weinstein JCC plus two more that will be screened at alternative locations in the local Richmond area – Virginia Museum of History and Culture and Jepson Alumni Center at University of Richmond.

The schedule of films with a brief synopsis and viewing times, along with information about purchasing individual tickets or film passes for the screenings, can be found at weinsteinjcc.org.


The opening night screening of Farewell, Mr. Haffman, is sponsored by The Horwitz Family and will take place at the Weinstein JCC on Thursday, January 18 at 7 p.m.

A French film, written and directed by Fred Cavaye, tells the story of a dedicated jeweler who, fearing the worst in 1941 occupied Paris, offers his employee the chance to take over his store until the conflict subsides.

When his own attempts to escape are thwarted, Haffmann is forced to seek his assistant’s protection.

In addition to the Farewell, Mr. Haffman, the following films make up the 2024 Israeli and Jewish International Film Festival:

Remembering Gene Wilder

Sunday, January 21 at 2 p.m.

Virginia Museum of History & Culture, 428 N. Arthur Ashe Blvd.

Directed by Ron Frank

United States, 2023 I Documentary I English I 115 Minutes



Tuesday, January 23 at 7 p.m. –Weinstein JCC

Directed by Erez Tadmor

Israel 2022 I Comedy I Hebrew with English subtitles I 98 Minutes


Irena’s Vow

Wednesday, January 24 at 7 p.m. –Weinstein JCC

In honor of International Holocaust Remembrance Day

By Dan Gordon

Canada-Poland 2023 I Drama I English I 121 Minutes

Paris Boutique

Saturday, January 27 at 7:30 p.m. –Weinstein JCC

by Marco Carmel

Israel – France 2022 I Comedy I Hebrew, English, French with English subtitles I 82 Minutes

Nominated for six Israeli Academy Awards (Ophirs)



Exodus 91

Sunday, January 28 at 2 p.m. – University of Richmond,

 Jepson Alumni Center, 442 Westhampton Way

Directed by Micah Smith

Israel 2022 I Documentary I Hebrew, Amharic, English, English subtitles I 90 Minutes

The Weinstein JCC is supported, in part by a generous annual contribution, and programing grants from the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond.