Home Synagogues Beth-El Beth-El’s renovation is finally complete!

Beth-El’s renovation is finally complete!


The certificate of occupancy for Temple Beth-El has been issued after a year’s-long endeavor!

To name just a few upgrades, the renovation includes refurbishing/updating the sanctuary with a new accessibility ramp to the bimah, new rest rooms on the sanctuary level, a new atrium/gathering space that connects the sanctuary to the Okun Chapel and the administration building, and a new elevator in the back for an accessible entrance to all levels.

PLUS the kitchen got a face lift, and we are celebrating with….

Josephine’s Kitchen Dedication Kiddush, March 9, Beth-El Social Hall

Join us as we honor Jo and her newly renovated kitchen!  Enjoy a top-level luncheon with Jo’s favorite cuisine: Chinese!

The lunch will be lovingly prepared by Chefs Amy Beth Lehman, Gail Grandis, and Bonnie Wilensky, with open bar, raffle (advance sales), and more!

We will raffle off 4 high-end baskets of goodies and 10 Josephine-made kugels (which are freezable). Raffle tickets are $10 each, or 5 for $40.

We will also make a tribute book for Jo to keep.  With a suggested donation of $36, you can get your name in Jo’s tribute book.  Larger tribute packages are available!  All are invited to honor Josephine! To register and/or purchase a tribute book ad or raffle tickets, please email Krista Fidlow at k.fidlow@bethelrichmond.org by March 7 at 5 p.m.

Purim Celebration: Heroes & Villains, Saturday, March 23, Hosted by the Bridge

Join us for an epic evening of heroic feats and villainous schemes! Following a spirited Havdalah service and Megillah reading, prepare to be transported into a world of capes, masks, and cosmic adventures, including a costume contest, a hero’s lounge complete with custom cocktails and games, music, and of course, great food.

All are encouraged to come in their best costumes!  Admission is free, but heroes and villains alike must RSVP to secure their spot in this legendary celebration.

There will be activities and games that may be an additional cost (after Shabbat ends).

For inquiries, contact jewish.bridge.rva@gmail.com. To register and for event details, please email Krista Fidlow at k.fidlow@bethelrichmond.org by March 21 at 5 p.m.