Home Synagogues Kehillah Kehillah Happenings

Kehillah Happenings

Photo: Penn Markham

March Calendar

Our events are free and open to the community. Donations are appreciated to support our programming. No Hebrew experience is required, and all are welcome.

To RSVP to any or all events, visit:


  • Shabbat Dinner: Friday, March 8 | 6 p.m. |

Gather-Short Pump

Join us for a catered dinner, followed by Shabbat service and words of inspiration with Rabbi Patrick.

Let’s come together and nourish not only our souls but also our bodies with delicious food!

  • Jewish Learning: Tuesday, March 12 | 6 p.m. |


Join us for our informal learning sessions where we explore (and debate!) Jewish ideas about life. New topics at every session, from complex questions about God to creating a more loving world. This series is open to anyone age 13+ who is Jewish, wants to be Jewish, loves a Jewish person, or is just a little “Jewcurious.”

  • Our plans for Purim are underway—stay tuned!

Kehillah Cares

Are you a Kehillah member in need of care? Go to kehillahrva.org/kehillah-cares to request help.


We are ecstatic to share that Kehillah received two grants from JCFR and NCEJ in January! These funds will help us continue to keep our events open to the community and welcoming to everyone regardless of Jewish practice. Thank you for your financial support!

Thanks to a generous donation, we were allocated $2,000 to help offset the cost of increased security needs at our larger community events.

We were awarded $3400 to offer holidays packages at our events to encourage new people toward Jewish practice and conversion.

For more information about how Kehillah can be part of your journey, go to kehillahrva.org. Stay updated by joining our email list at kehillahrva.org/subscribe and following our Facebook and Instagram @kehillahrva.