Home Community Elinor Bloom Marshall Humanitarian Award

Elinor Bloom Marshall Humanitarian Award


Hadassah Richmond’s Elinor Bloom Marshall Humanitarian Award has been rescheduled for Sunday, Oct. 10.

The event, honoring Hadassah and community leader Ann Eisenberg, was postponed from 2020 due to COVID. Plans for the new date are still being worked out, but whether virtual or in person, the event will go on this fall!

Committed to Mission

Ann Eisenberg

Ann has held local, Regional and National positions in Hadassah and is committed to its mission and purpose! She has served as both a chapter and region president, accomplishing much during her leadership time.

One of her most personally gratifying accomplishments was being the co-chair for the Hadassah developed “Check It Out!” program here in Richmond.

The program’s mission was to teach high-school age young women the importance of doing regular self-breast exams, and for young men to do self-testicular exams. Over 60,000 area students experienced “Check It Out!” We had several success stories!

In addition to Hadassah

In addition to Hadassah, Ann has been involved with the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond, Rudlin Torah Academy, Richmond Culinary Guild, Temple Beth-El Sisterhood, Andrew’s Buddies-Fight SMA and other organizations.

If you are interested in learning more about the award, participating on the committee or donating in honor of Ann, contact Leslie Baron at bubbielou57@gmail.com or (804) 305-7695.

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