Home Community FCVA offers free sensory backpacks to all Richmond area community Synagogues

FCVA offers free sensory backpacks to all Richmond area community Synagogues

Sample Sensory Backpack (now available at all Richmond Flying Squirrels baseball games)

 By Tanya Buresh-Werby, Program Director

February is Jewish Disability Awareness and Inclusion Month (JDAIM).  JDAIM is a unified effort among Jewish organizations worldwide to raise awareness and foster inclusion of people with disabilities and those who love them.

During JDAIM each year, Friendship Circle of Virginia celebrates “ShabbaTTogether,” which fosters Inclusion and empowerment among people with Disabilities and Mental Health Conditions in Jewish Communities Across the Globe.

In honor of ShabbaTTogether 2023, Friendship Circle of Virginia, with generous sponsorship from the Richmond Jewish Community Federation of Richmond, is offering free Inclusion kits to all Richmond Jewish Community Synagogues for their members to use as needed.

By finding active ways to be inclusive we are intentionally showing that every member of the Jewish community belongs, wherever they choose to be.

FCVA’s ShabbaTTogether Inclusion Kits contain both a backpack and a synagogue self-assessment. Each backpack provides calming devices, helps strengthen fine motor skills, and provides sensory input in an engaging way.  It is perfect for children and adults who benefit from tactile stimulation.

The Synagogue self-assessment sheet helps to highlight practical examples of inclusion in synagogue life.

Friendship Circle is proud to help build our Jewish community awareness regarding the importance of inclusion in ensuring each and every person feels that they are valued and truly belong.

We are grateful to each Synagogue and to the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond for parenting with us to ensure Jewish community inclusion is thriving.

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To learn more about Friendship Circle of Virginia, please visit our website at
