Or Ami Happenings

By Win Loria At our New Member Shabbat on Nov. 3, we welcomed 13 new families to Or Ami. Other activities: November 6: Book club, we...

Or Ami Happenings

By Win Loria At our High Holiday services, Or Amians donated over a thousand pounds of non-perishable food items to FeedMore. These will go to...

Or Ami Happenings

By Rachel Loria Rabbi Ahuva and our Rabbinic intern Jules Ilian celebrated our annual Refugee Shabbat last month with new readings, a guest speaker, a...

Or Ami High Holiday Schedule

Services are in-person at Weinstein JCC except Rosh Hashanah Family Service and open to all; no tickets are required. Services also will be live-streamed....

Or Ami Happenings

By Win Loria The Torah frequently asks us to welcome the stranger: this summer, Or Ami welcomed Rabbinic intern Jules Ilian with a series of...

Or Ami Happenings

By Laurie Weinberg At its Annual Meeting on June 11, Or Ami presented its first Lantern Award to Bruce Gould. This award is intended to be...

Or Ami Happenings

 By Lenette Howard On Friday, April 28, Or Ami welcomed a group of Muslim and Jewish sisters from the Sisterhood of Salaam Shalom (SOSS) to...

Or Ami Happenings

By Lenette Howard Or Ami is co-hosting and participating in the Bon Air Interfaith Trialogue during the first three Thursdays in May. Weather permitting, some...

Or Ami Happenings

Gosh, do we Or Amians have fun on Purim! Rabbi "Hamantashen: Ahuva And we all enjoyed meeting our new members, who received lovely presents from their...

Or Ami Happenings

Costume Ideas for Purim Or Ami has a special service slated for March 10th when, along with our Purim celebration, we welcome fifteen new families...