Or Atid Happenings for March

By Sue Geller The Helen and Sam Kornblau Religious School students celebrated Tu B’shvat by partaking in traditional Tu B’shvat foods while Rabbi Hal led...

Or Atid Happenings

By Amy Unger Or Atid celebrates Tu B’Shevat On Sunday morning, Feb. 5th, members of Congregation Or Atid joined together with students and families of the...

Gan Chesed celebrates the 2nd annual Daffodil planting

By Terry Schultz On Sunday, Nov. 20, Congregation Or Atid and the Gan Chesed Kindness Garden and children from the Helen and Sam Kornblau Religious...

Or Atid Happenings

By Amy Unger Congregation Or Atid Invites the Greater Richmond Community to High Holidays. Congregation Or Atid extends a warm welcome to the Jewish community, inviting...

A Hanukkah Celebration to Remember

On the early evening of Sunday, Dec. 10th, it surely felt like we could have used Noah’s Ark to travel to Congregation Or Atid’s...

Or Atid Happenings

By Amy Unger Congregation Or Atid invites the Greater Richmond Community to High Holidays. Or Atid welcomes the Jewish community to join our congregational family for...

Or Atid Happenings

Not only was July 1st Rabbi Sherry Grinsteiner’s first day, but it was also Shabbat! She hit the ground running with lively, interactive, and...

Or Atid’s Gan Chesed Hanukkah Celebration a Huge Success

By Ron Fink The first evening of Hanukkah this year at Congregation Or Atid marked a celebration with a number of “first time” milestones. In its...

Gan Chesed Garden continues to thrive

We are excited to announce that the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond (JCFR) has once again supported our Congregation Or Atid garden initiative for...

High Holiday message from Rabbi Sherry Grinsteiner

What a gift God has given us! The gift of Renewal. Not only He has given us the breath of life to enjoy and live,...