Home Synagogues Brith Achim Brith Achim Happenings for September

Brith Achim Happenings for September

Several Brith Achim congregants join Rabbi Dennis Beck-Berman as he shares his U.S. Army backpack Torah.

Fall is always interesting at Congregation Brith Achim and our festivities only begin with the High Holidays! As always, all events are always free, newcomers welcome, and donations appreciated.

Brith Achim has been holding in-person services and Torah study for months simulcast on Zoom and activities are being expanded as Sisterhood and Men’s Club resume following the summer break.

High Holidays

Fall planned activities include movie-watching potlucks, game days and craft events.

Traditional and holiday services will be supplemented with a Sukkot lunch in the rabbi’s sukkah, and a Simchat Torah dairy dinner. Tashlicht will be held at Woodmere Lake immediately following Rosh Hashanah morning services.  Our Simchat Torah service gives everyone an opportunity to roll at least part of a Torah, including the Rabbi’s U.S. Army backpack Torah stretched across the gymnasium showing the entire scroll in all its glory! (See the picture with this article)

The BIG NEWS from Congregation Brith Achim is the Jewish Federation of Richmond is sponsoring our novel Jewish children’s services!

  1. If your children seem distracted while with you at services, our services will engage them.
  2. If your children do not seem to be learning or understanding the prayers at service, we want to teach them.
  3. If your children would rather play with your phone than pray, we are making prayer more fun.
  4. If your children don’t seem motivated for Jewish learning, we are going to make our culture vibrant.
  5. If Saturday is just too scheduled for services, we are bringing our services to your schedule.

Engaging Services, Prizes

Congregation Brith Achim is developing lively, engaging services of prayer, Hebrew instruction – encased in music, videos and computer games – alongside our adult Saturday services. The services will be held in person, simulcast on Zoom and recorded for future watching.

Prizes based on the teachings of the service and its lessons will be awarded during and after services – so if a Saturday soccer game keeps your child from attending, a Zoom recording of services will be available before Sunday’s contest (whose prizes will be in addition to the Saturday morning prizes!)

Each service will feature a core of prayers plus instructor-picked additional prayers, Hebrew lessons, videos, activities and games. Since multiple instructors will rotate leading, the non-core pieces will change often. The services will be entertaining and educational for every student!

For more information on any of these events, email David Goldstein (drdaveg@gmail.com) or message us on our Facebook page.