Gosh, do we Or Amians have fun on Purim!
Rabbi “Hamantashen: Ahuva
And we all enjoyed meeting our new members, who received lovely presents from their new congregation on our combined New Member Welcome/Purim Service on March 10th.
Gifts for our New Members
But the best gift was these wonderful families joining our temple. What a joy to wit-ness them on the Bimah in their Purim finery!
Our “Well Dressed” New Members
One Congregationalist might have gone overboard in dressing up. This reporter might have gone overboard when she married him.
Or Arm Seder
After a three-year hiatus Or Ami will host a Seder for congregants on the second night of Passover, April 6th. We plan to offer brisket, chicken, fish, and a vegetarian option for the main course and will ask attendees to bring a side dish for sharing.
This event will be live-streamed for those who wish to participate from home. Non-members are encouraged to join the live-streamed service.
Beer Ami is happening again on Thursday, April 20, at 6 p.m., at Ardent Craft Ales, 3200 W. Leigh St.
All are welcome!
Or Ami Book Club meets on the first Monday of each month at 7 p.m.
April 3rd’s selection is Stefan Zweig’s, “The Royal Game.”
For more information or to join, email bookclub@orami.com for your Zoom link.
Reel Theology Movie Night is Sunday, April 23rd, 6-8 p.m. Bring yourself and something for the potluck dinner, and stay for the conversation after the movie!
Regular Shabbat Services are held in-person and online Friday evenings from 7:30 to 8:30.
Torah Study is held virtually most Saturdays, from 11 a.m. until 12:30 p.m.
Contact our office for a link if you wish to attend.
For more information on any of our programs or to obtain links to zoom events, please get in touch with our office at (804) 272-0017 or office@or-ami.com.
Would you like to know more? Contact us at Belong@Or-Ami.com or check us out at www.Or-Ami.com.
You can follow us on Facebook at facebook.com/OrAmi-Richmond.
All inquiries are always welcome.