Home Synagogues Beth-El Temple Beth-El July Happenings

Temple Beth-El July Happenings


G’day and Shalom!

It has been a busy month at Temple Beth-El!

Cantor Dara Rosenblatt was honored at an Erev Shabbat dinner that saw over 200 people attend to show their appreciation and best wishes for her new journey.

Cantor Rosenblatt has been a significant presence at, and a part of, the TBE Family for the previous 5 years.  When her beautiful voice has not been filling our historic Sanctuary, she has been working closely with B’nai Mitzvah Families to guide them through their journey to becoming Bar or Bat Mitzvah.

Cantor Rosenblatt has been described as the “sunshine of the TBE Family” and has always had a ready smile and a warm welcome for those coming to TBE for the first time.  She has been the voice of High Holy Days, always bringing something new and meaningful to everything she does.

She will be sorely missed by her TBE Family but is wished well with excitement and many blessings for the next stage of her Cantorial career.

“Building for the Next 90” continues with the superstructure for the new Atrium that will join the Administration Building and Sanctuary at ground level. It is such an exciting time to be at Temple Beth-El and we encourage you to come along to any of our services to see our beautifully renovated Sanctuary, and, the progress on Phase II of our Renovation.

Not only will the Atrium level provide new and secure single-entry access, but it will also have two gender-neutral bathrooms, a Family bathroom, and, a mobility elevator at the rear mobility drop-off that will take those in wheelchairs or with walkers to Sanctuary level with no steps.

The new Atrium will also house a reading room, and a historical installation to highlight the History of TBE and how we go to this point in time.

Shopping for a Shul? If so, please call Executive Director – Damien Timms – at (804) 355-3564 to arrange a conversation, and a tour of the new Sanctuary.  Our services are open to all regardless of membership and you will find a warm, engaged welcome from our TBE Family.

Temple Beth-El is a dynamic and egalitarian center of Conservative Judaism in Richmond, with a diverse congregation.  We would love to welcome you to the TBE Family.