Home Federation Come join the Israel Journey beginning Nov. 5

Come join the Israel Journey beginning Nov. 5


By Cathy Plotkin

Never been to Israel or haven’t been in ages?  Would you like to participate in a unique Interfaith and Interracial Israel experience?  Then the Federation’s sixth Interfaith Journey is the trip for you!

This experience includes visiting both important Christian and Jewish sites as well as the opportunity to learn from the group’s spiritual leaders, Rev. Reuben Boyd, pastor of Third Street Bethel AME Church, and Rabbi Dovid Asher of Keneseth Beth Israel. In addition, the group will hear from experts on the situation in Israel today and to learn the perspective of West Bank educators and citizens in visits to both Ramallah and Rawabi.

The ten-day trip begins November 5, and includes two nights in Tel Aviv, two nights in the North, and four nights in Jerusalem.  There will be an ATV experience in the Golan, visits to Christian and Jewish holy sites, and the opportunity to hear from noted Holocaust educator Rachel Korazim at the beginning of the visit to Yad Vashem, Israel’s extraordinary Holocaust Museum.

This multi-faceted adventure will be a spiritual journey, an unparalleled educational experience, an epicure’s delight, and a wine enthusiast’s dream.  Registration will be open until October 1, so if this experience appeals to you, do not wait to reserve your place.  The trip is limited to no more than 35 people.

Visit https://jewishrichmond.regfox.com/interfaith-journey-to-israel-november-2023.