Home Federation 2024 Neil November Distinguished Community Service Award

2024 Neil November Distinguished Community Service Award


About the Award

The Jewish Community Federation of Richmond is accepting nominations for the Neil November Distinguished Community Service Award. The award, named in honor of Neil November, recognizes those volunteer(s) in our community who have and continue to exhibit a lifetime of outstanding service, leadership, and achievement in our community. Nominees should be those who have made a tangible and lasting impact on Jewish life and affairs. This includes work with our Federation partner agencies, the Jewish Federation, synagogues and congregations, Federation-affiliated activities, and national and overseas agencies, with additional emphasis on activity in the general community and involvement in business or professional associations.

Each year, the Federation considers candidates for the Jewish community’s highest honor, the Neil November Distinguished Community Service Award. This award is given at the Federation’s Annual Meeting, which will take place on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, at the Virginia Holocaust Museum.

Please submit your nominations no later than Friday, April 12, 2024. If you have any questions, please contact Sandy Davis at SDavis@JewishRichmond.org.

To maintain the integrity of the process, please keep the name(s) of your nominee(s) confidential. Those being considered should not be informed that you are placing their names in nomination.

Award Selection Criteria

The main emphasis in determining the recipient of the Neil November Distinguished Community Service Award (NNDCSA) will be leadership participation in Jewish affairs, including work in social agencies, the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond’s Annual Campaign, synagogues and congregations, Federation affiliated activities, national and overseas agencies, with additional emphasis on activity in the general community and involvement in business or professional associations. The recipient should be someone who has done outstanding work over a period of years and is currently active or has shown a sustained interest in community affairs.

Submit a Nominee

Previous Neil November Distinguished Community Service Award Winners

1952   Minna Thalhimer Heller

1953   Samuel Z. Troy

1954   Wm. B. Thalhimer, Jr.

1955   Morton G. Thalhimer, Sr.

1956   Morton G. Wallerstein

1957   Israel November

1958   Samuel Binswanger

1959   Adrian L. Bendheim, Sr.

1960   Irving May

1961   Reuben Goldman

1962   W. H. Schwarzschild

1963   Keeve Marks

1964   William B. Thalhimer, Jr.

1965   Jacob M. Viener

1966   Lewis C. Markel

1967   Bertha Meyer

1968   Judge Max O. Laster

1969   Saul Viener

1970   David Arenstein

1971   Richard Schwarzschild

1972   Helen Markel

1973   Samuel S. Wurtzel

1974   Nathan J. Forb

1975   Neilson J. November

1976   Hortense B. Wolf

1977   Irwin A. Schapiro

1978   Amy M. Krumbein

1979   Jacob Brown

1980   Jack Paul Fine

1981   Anne Fischer

1982   Jacob Y. Plotkin (posthumously)

1983   Israel Ipson

1984   Rita G. Straus

1985   Edward S. Hirschler

1986   Dr. Harry Lyons

1987   Jay M. Weinberg

1988   Dr. Harold & Helen P. Horwitz

1989   Beatrice R. Fine

1990   Julius Mintzer

1991   George Rochkind

1992   Malcolm Kalman

1993   S. Sidney Meyers

1994   Harold Straus

1995   Robert Reinhard

1996   Jerome Gumenick

1997   Stewart M. Kasen

1998   Catherine S. Plotkin

1999   Stuart C. Siegel

2000   Mark B. Sisisky

2001   Judith Koziol

2002   Richard November

2003   Jay Ipson

2004   Jeff Levin

2005   Tommy Baer

2006   Richard A. Arenstein

2007   Deane Dubansky

2008   Neil Kessler

2009   Irving Blank

2010   Rick Gary

2011   No recipient

2012   Susan & Steve Meyers

2013   No recipient

2014   Rhona Arenstein

2015   Dan Siegel

2016   Nathan Shor

2017   Earl Ferguson

2018   Jim Weinberg

2019   Franklin Wolf

2020   No recipient

2021   Miriam Davidow

2022  Richmond Jewish Community Agencies, Boards & Staff

2023   Nannette Shor