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Beth-El Religious School Happenings


By Ramona L. Brand
Director of Youth Learning
Purim Fun during the Mask-Car-Aid!

Our families and teachers enjoyed a festive Purim with both a Virtual and Drive-Thru celebration.

Some of the collections and donations by Beth-El families for Beth Sholom Woods during the Purim Drive-Thru.

The morning included a story performance of the “Bachelor and the Bean,” A Jewish Moroccan folk tale, break-out rooms with many activities and costume “parade.”

Smiles and laughter abounded during our Drive-thru Mad-Lib Megillah. Each family received a Mishloach Manot bag stuffed with goodies. The holiday isn’t only about receiving goodies and having fun. In order to fulfill the Mitzvah of Mattanot La-evyonim families donated paper goods, foods and personal toiletries to the Food Pantry at Beth Shalom Woods.

We collected two shopping carts full of items which were delivered that day.

Preparing for Passover

Teachers and students spent much of the past month preparing for Passover.  Last year at this time, we were just wrapping ourselves around the reality of a virtual world.

Passover was the first holiday we taught and celebrated in quarantine or over Zoom.  A year later we have become quite adept at virtual learning.

Our teachers are providing quality education in very creative ways. Our students are practicing the Four Questions, experience the Exodus and preparing for Seders through tangible synchronous learning activities.

Our teachers spend many hours preparing activities, games, videos, slide shows and delivering hands-on supplies to home in order to maintain the highest standards of learning for our students. This year’s Passover takes on heightened significance as we have “passed-through” this challenging year.

Spring Break Camp: You’re in the Spotlight!

In the photos on the page, teachers and students are all smiles during the Beth-El Religious School Purim Drive-Thru Party. Beth El Photos

Once Upon Story duo, Sandy Ryder and Ramona Brand, will lead a Jewish Stories Performance Camp beginning April 5.

This camp will introduce campers to Jewish folk tales, story performance, theater games and techniques. Campers will create characters and dialogue to perform their own versions of Jewish stories.

Performance for families on Friday, April 9 and on Sunday, April 11, during the Beth-El Religious School morning. Camp and Performances take place on Zoom.

When: April 5, 7, and 9.

Time: 10 a.m. – noon

Where: Zoom (link provided upon registration)

Limit: 10 participants

Cost: $36 for 1 child, $45 for 2 children in a family, $50. For 3 or more in a family

Register:  https://www.bethelrichmond.org/dashboard/event_attendance.php?id=2182627

For more information, email r.brand@bethelrichmond.org

April Religious School Calendar:

Sundays: April 4, 11, 25

Wednesdays: April 14, 21, 26

Confirmation meets:  April 11 & 25

Tot Shabbat

Saturday, April 10

For families with children from infants -5 years old / Open to the entire community

Families with children from infants to 5 can enjoy a Shabbat service geared filled with music, stories, movement and more.  A musical, meaningful service designed for wiggles.

Time: 10 – 11 a.m.

For zoom access email Ramona at r.brand@bethelrichmond.org.

Saturday, May 1: Under the Blue Sky! 

Celebrate Shabbat in Nature!! Listen to the birds and feel the sun on your face as we gather to sing, pray and explore Shabbat in Nature.  We will socially distance but be spiritually close. Bring a blanket and/or lawn chairs.  Masks required.

LIMIT: 8 families

Time: 10 – 11 a.m.

Location: TBA email r.brand@bethelrichmond.org for location

In case of rain we will meet on Zoom

For more information about our school and/or programs, contact Ramona Brand at r.brand@bethelrichmond.org