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RJF Donors and Partners


Robert Nomberg, Ed.D.
President & CEO
Richmond Jewish Foundation

I am writing to share my intention to step down from RJF in the next several months. As the longest-serving executive at RJF, now is the time for me to transition to a new endeavor.

I have been at RJF for almost 14 years, serving as the President and CEO for the past 12 years. It seems like yesterday that I was generously welcomed to Richmond when Jennifer and I moved here, Gavin was born and RJF introduced the Create a Jewish Legacy initiative.

Now, after adding Zoe to the mix and successfully guiding our community through Life & Legacy and the creation of over 160 new funds, it is time to hand over our strong and independent community foundation to new leadership.

Vibrant Jewish Richmond

So many of you warmly invited me into your families and allowed me to work with you, your advisors, and our community agencies and synagogues to secure a strong and vibrant Jewish Richmond.

While my time at RJF is ending, the Foundation has never been in a stronger position. Our assets under management are now over $48 million, an all-time high. The Genesis Fund is secure for the next generation. Annually, over $5 million is donated to RJF and $2.5 million is granted to hundreds of charities here in Richmond and around the world. And, several dozen more funds have been created that will one day receive assets designed to support the charities of choice of our generous donors.

Search for a CEO

The RJF board will begin a search for a new CEO, a process that will take several months to complete. I will continue in my current position until a successor is found ensuring a smooth transition.

I want to thank Joice, Michele, Lauren and our dedicated board of directors over the years as well as our donors, advisors and partners for your support and collaboration during the last 14 years.

I am proud of what RJF has accomplished during this time, and know it will continue to grow to even greater heights in the future. I will enjoy watching this growth as Jennifer, the kids and I will continue to call Richmond home.

President & CEO Job Opportunity: Richmond Jewish Foundation

Richmond Jewish Foundation is seeking a full-time professional, experienced President & CEO.
RJF is a primary, trusted, and expert resource for planned giving and endowments currently managing $47 million in assets. RJF is a donor-centric organization that endeavors to help donors support the charities of their choice. It is an independently operated nonprofit serving the charitable needs of donors in the Richmond Jewish community and beyond with a primary focus on building endowments. Candidates should have planned giving knowledge and experience.
Qualified candidates, who wish a full job description or to apply, should contact by April 15, 2021: info@rjfoundation.org.

To learn more about RJF, please visit www.rjfoundation.org.

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