Home Agencies Dolphin Club is open to swimmers

Dolphin Club is open to swimmers

Elizabeth Goodwin-Birnie and Harrison Neuhaus

The Dolphin Club is the JCC’s year- round competitive swim team.

We are currently offering free, no obligation tryout/evaluations to determine the best placement for your athlete on our team! The 2021-2022 season is approaching fast, starting in September. Email Head Coach Craig Clift at cclift@weinsteinjcc.org or call the aquatics office at (804)545-840 for more information.

We emphasize developing happy, healthy athletes while promoting the sport of competitive swimming. The Dolphin Club is especially committed to sharing the values of our sport with young people who may discover that swimming is an activity they can enjoy for their entire life!

Congrats to two Dolphin Club Swimmers, Elizabeth Goodwin-Birnie and Harrison Neuhaus, who  became the first Dolphin Club swimmers ever to achieve multiple NCSA Junior National and USA Swimming Futures qualifying standards.

Elizabeth has broken 40 team records and Harrison has broken 53 team records in both short course yards and long course meters.

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