Home Agencies Beth Sholom welcomes Spring

Beth Sholom welcomes Spring


We have a lot going on at Beth Sholom this spring!

A brand-new modern look at the Gardens Assisted Living, including revived colorful landscaping has been completed Our residents are again gathering together to enjoy concerts and performances.

Joe LaLuna

Most recently “Heartstrings Women’s Choral Ensemble” entertained residents with their lively song and dance routines. Later that week singer, “Joe LaLuna” serenaded the group with favorites, featuring songs from Frank Sinatra and the Rat Pack! Both performances filled the room with happy faces!

To learn more about Beth Sholom, visit www.bethsholomliving.org.

Beth Sholom Senior Living is supported, in part, by a generous contribution, and programming and COVID Crisis Relief Funds from the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond.