Home Agencies Day School education is on the rise

Day School education is on the rise


Families are enrolling in Jewish day schools at higher rates as compared to three years ago prior to the onset of the Covid-19 pandemic.

According to recent data, the attraction of day school education is trending upward. Nationally as well as locally here in Richmond, many day schools are experiencing approximately 5% growth year over year.

At a time when our children will enter an increasingly complex and rapidly changing world, day schools provide a nurturing environment while honing their pedagogical techniques and methods of student engagement to ensure our children become well rounded leaders of tomorrow.

Rabbi Paul had the opportunity to meet “Moo-Moo” the pterodactyl as he sat down to play and explore with our kindergarteners.

RTA-Richmond Hebrew Day School is deeply rooted, yet forward focused. We are deeply rooted in millenia of rich and beautiful Jewish traditions and community. Building on this strength, RTA is forward focused by preparing our children to thrive in the world of tomorrow.

At RTA, we develop in our students literary and analytical skills while nurturing socio-emotional intelligence. Our students emerge as young adults that are humble yet confident, deliberate yet ambitious, proud to be Jewish and prepared to succeed in any future path they may choose.

We believe the strength of our people lies in the strength of our community.

To set the stage for our community’s future, we invest in our children. Recent studies demonstrate that day school educated students are more engaged in their respective Jewish communities, without regard to denomination or religious affiliation.

Day school alumni give back more to the community, feel more connected, and lead meaningful and successful lives. Case in point, RTA alumni often build families in Richmond and choose to send their own children to RTA. RTA strengthens the future of our entire community.

At RTA, we aim to be the destination location for every child in Richmond seeking a Jewish identity combined with a strong education. We believe that education is “one size fits one,” not “one size fits all.”

Whether in math, English, or Hebrew language, our faculty partners with families to tailor each child’s educational experience, maximizing his or her unique strengths.

We look forward to meeting you at an upcoming neighborhood open house at the home of Tino and Yuliya Habib at 11521 Bridgetender Drive, Henrico,  23233 on Sunday, Oct. 30, at 10 a.m.

Please mark your calendar to learn more about what RTA has to offer and how RTA can best meet your child’s or grandchild’s educational needs. Please RSVP at rudlin.com.

Please reach out to Elisha Paul, Head of School, at rabbipaul@rudlin.com, to learn more.

Shanah Tovah!

Rudlin Torah Academy is supported, in part, by a generous annual contribution and scholarship grants from the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond.

See more photos on  first week of school.