Home Community Hadassah President’s Corner

Hadassah President’s Corner

Arlene Weiner

I know in the heat of the summer, you probably haven’t been thinking about the Jewish New Year.

Who will you be with? What will you eat? But when you do, what better way is there to prepare for the High Holidays than by sending a L’Shana Tova to all your Hadassah Richmond friends, neighbors and family while raising money for Hadassah Medical Center.

Please join us for this special fundraiser!

Later this fall we will host one of the most important programs of the year. Piggybacking on our highly successful and attended program on Women’s Reproductive Rights, we will host a follow up program with Religious Freedom/Women’s Reproductive Rights from a Jewish Perspective, 50 Years Post Roe v. Wade, 1-year post Dobbs v. Jackson.

Across the U.S. the laws written from a pro-life viewpoint assert that life begins at conception. Further, some laws state that even if the mother’s life is in danger, an abortion cannot be offered. This ideology is not in keeping with Jewish teaching and we want to empower our audience to speak up and speak out!

Our community is so fortunate to have many programs and events put on by Hadassah, but they take work and leadership.

Hadassah Richmond is in need of leaders and volunteers to help us with the next year of these great events! Work as much or as little as you want but come join us.

Meet other like-minded women and know that you are making a difference in our community. Join us!

Contact me for more details on how!


Arlene Wiener

Hadassah Richmond President
