Home Agencies 5400 Club for October

5400 Club for October


Oct. 2ENRICH FOR LIFE: Glen Besa, past Director of the Sierra Club Virginia Chapter. “A Tool Kit for Repairing the Climate.” In his 20 years at the Sierra Club, he worked on a range of environmental concerns, most notably energy and climate over the past decade. He will discuss the record-breaking heat this summer along with wildfires polluting our air that has brought home the reality of climate change.  He will share the actions Sierra Club is taking as well as actions all of us can take to reduce the greenhouse gas emissions driving climate change.

Free lunch at 11:45 a.m.;  speaker at 12:30. RSVP is a must to Shari Menlowe-Barck at 804-539-8641 or sbarck@weinsteinjcc.org 

 Oct. 9 – Thomas Fitzpatrick, Executive Director, Housing Opportunities Made Equal (HOME) of Virginia. “The Racial Home Ownership Gap and Credit Inequity.” He leads HOME’s efforts to eradicate housing discrimination and leveling the playing field to ensure equal access to housing for all people.

Oct. 16 – Greg Hodge,  Richmond Railroad Museum. “Richmond’s Railroads – Helping to Tie Together the Old Dominion since 1838.”  The museum opened in their 1915 Southern Railway train station in 2011. Operated by the Old Dominion Chapter of The National Railway Historical Society. It is a non-profit, volunteer-based museum dedicated to preservation of the past, present and future railroading in Virginia.

Oct. 23 –  Sara Whiting, Director of Operations and Capital Projects at The Valentine Museum. “Subtraction and an Addition: The Valentine’s Collection Refinement Project.” The Museum has been collecting, preserving  and interpreting Richmond stories for over a century.

Oct. 30 –  Bill Draper, author and photographer. “A Photographic Journey.” He will share how he captures so many amazing images.