Home Agencies Experience the Rich Tradition: Tu B’Shvat Seder

Experience the Rich Tradition: Tu B’Shvat Seder

Tu BiShvat means, "New Year of the Trees". It is a Jewish holiday celebrated in Israel. Depiction of an abstract tree with fruits and nuts.

The Weinstein JCC extends an invitation to the community for a Tu B’Shvat Seder event scheduled for Sunday, Jan. 28.

Attendees can anticipate an enlightening presentation delving into the historical and kabalistic aspects of the Tu B’Shvat seder, providing valuable insights into this cherished tradition.

Participants will have the unique opportunity to savor the various elements of the Seder, each accompanied by their distinctive blessings. For those with children, a specially tailored children’s seder will be available to ensure a meaningful and inclusive experience for the entire family.

Stay tuned for additional information regarding this enriching event. Join us in celebrating Tu B’Shvat and partake in the vibrant cultural heritage at the JCC.

For more information, contact Elizabeth Fitzgerald at efitzgerald@weinsteinjcc.org.