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Or Atid Happenings


By Ron Fink

The end of 2023 finished with a flurry of activities and it looks like 2024 is going to be another year filled with many exciting programs and events.

After another successful Hanukkah celebration in mid-December, Congregation Or Atid members had the opportunity to gather with friends to play in the Jewish Community Federation’s first Pickleball Social. There were lessons and games for all ages and all skill levels. A fun time was had by all and we hope another Pickleball Social can be planned for this year.

January Events Follow Up

As the new year began, we started the year with a special weekend filled with activities. There was a Havdalah Dessert event on Saturday, Jan. 13. Fifty or so people, along with many children came to enjoy this special evening.


It was led by Rabbi Sherry Grinsteiner and featured Leonid Prymak, a retired violinist for the Richmond Symphony, who not only arranged some of the music himself, but also played his own composition. Everyone indulged in this musical Havdalah experience.

It was fulfilling to have the enchanting tunes of Havdalah, along with the beautiful sounds of the violin, set the tone for the new week.

The next evening on Sunday Jan. 14, Young Jewish Families, a group started within the congregation but open to the greater community, held a Sip and Schmooze night to reacquaint old friends and provide an opportunity to make new friendships. A fun and relaxing evening was enjoyed by all who attended. (photo attached)

Also, on the evening of Jan. 25 Congregation Or Atid hosted our annual Tu B’Shevat Sedar. There was  a discussion of the trees in the land of Israel and an opportunity to share reflections on this topic.

February Events

On Friday Feb.2, at 6 p.m., Rabbi Sherry will conduct a Young Family Shabbat Experience. The regular Shabbat service will also begin at 6 p.m. in the Kiddush Room and will be conducted by lay leaders.

Whether you are a member of Or Atid or not, please consider attending this special experience to instill the spirituality of Shabbat for your family.

On Saturday morning Feb. 24, at 10 a.m., Rabbi Sherry will conduct a special Shabbat Limmud. Dive into the richness of Shabbat learning as we explore specific prayers in-depth during the Shabbat morning service.

This will be a learning day to unravel the origins and purposes of these prayers through a deeper understanding of the Hebrew liturgy.

A 2nd Shabbat Limmud will be conducted on Saturday morning April 13 at 10 a.m.

Look for More in ‘24.

The next Young Family Shabbat Experience will be held on Friday Mar. 1 at 6 p.m.