Temple Beth-El Embarks on a Major Renovation: Be a Part of...

The vision of the Next 90 Years is about to unfold in Richmond. You can easily be a part of Temple Beth-El’s Renovation and Restoration...

Schedule of Local Holiday Services for 5782

Our Richmond-area Synagogues plan in-person and Virtual services during the upcoming High Holidays. For a list of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur services as...

Richmond Beth-El Cemetery Company, Inc.

Kever Avot Services: Sunday, September 12, 2021 at 10:30 a.m.  Throughout our lives the example our loved ones modeled for us, good or bad, simple...

Richmond Beth-El Cemetery Company, Inc., announces major expansion for an Interfaith...

The Board of Directors of Richmond Beth-El Cemetery Company, Inc., are pleased to announce to the entire Richmond Jewish community the expansion, currently under...

Or Ami Happenings in September

High Holy Days Or Ami’s Board of Directors, our Reopening Committee, the Avodah Committee, the Facilities Committee, and Rabbi Ahuva have worked together to decide...

Or Ami Happenings

“A Dynamic Sacred Community Grounded in Reform Judaism” With the upsurge of COVID in our community, it isn’t easy to plan for important events such...

When was your last Spiritual?

By Rabbi Yossel Kranz Chabad of Virginia I recently had my annual physical. Aside from the masks, it was the usual checkup—height, weight, blood pressure, cholesterol,...

Rabbi Reflections: ‘Have we been truly living?’

Enjoyment of the beauties of nature, . . . flower-decorated meadows, majestic mountains, flowing rivers — all these are essential to the spiritual development of even the...

Students, families: Join JLEAP for fun activities on  March 13 and...

By Michal Lipp, JLEAP Program Director JLEAP (Jewish Learning, Enrichment and Play) is excited to announce our next LEAP as we get ready for the...

Kehillah grows into Brandermill

Kehillah is excited to be offering its in-person events this summer in Brandermill. “With our Shabbat dinners and Torah study in Brandermill, we are growing...