Or Ami Happenings

Religious School students have been enjoying class outdoors on warm and sunny days. As we transition into winter and see more of our students getting...

KBI Happenings

By Chava MaimonIn early December, the JLEAP* program held its Chanukah Kickoff Event at the Weinstein JCC that included an awesome magic show and...

Taste of Israel featured Israeli food specialties

Approximately 1,200 people came out to the Federation’s Taste of Israel special event on Sunday, Jan. 14, held at the Weinstein JCC. This day focused...

Kehillah Happenings

Carytown Watermelon Festival, Other Events Kehillah will once again have a booth at the annual Carytown Watermelon Festival on Aug. 13, which is entering its...

Beth-El Kever Avot Services  scheduled for Sunday, Sept. 10

Richmond Beth-El Cemetery Company, Inc. Sunday, September 10 at 1:30 p.m. Richmond Beth-El Cemetery at Forest Lawn Chesed Memorial Park at Forest Lawn B’nai Shalom Cemetery...

Or Atid Happenings

By Amy Unger  A Memorable Purim Fiesta at Congregation Or Atid The moon was full, and the “minions” were out to celebrate the first “in-person” Purim...

Happenings at Beth Ahabah

“A Scout is trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, and reverent.” The Cub Scouts of Pack 437 open each meeting...

Temple Beth-El says thank you

Temple Beth-El thanks those who attended our "Pre-Passover Social Workshop and Mixer" with cooking demonstration provided by our own Xavier Beverly. It was great to...

Or Ami Happenings

By Lenette Howard Or Ami is co-hosting and participating in the Bon Air Interfaith Trialogue during the first three Thursdays in May. Weather permitting, some...

Let your children find their way to “Do Jewish”

Editor's Note: A native of Norfolk who grew up at Temple Israel there, Brandon Metheny is an attorney and Director of Admissions at the...