Home Agencies 5400 Club for May

5400 Club for May


The 5400 Club at the Weinstein JCC now is scheduled to meet in-person from noon to 1:30 p.m. The first 50 vaccinated and boosted adults who sign up will be allowed to attend. The programs also will be on Zoom. A meeting registration link will be emailed to members and guests the Friday before each meeting. For any questions, contact Shari Menlowe-Barck at:  sbarck@weinsteinjcc.org or (804) 545-8611.

Upcoming Scheduled Programs

May 2   –  Dr. Benjamin Hett, professor, Department of History, Hunter College, CUNY, “The Death of Democracy: Hitler’s Rise to Power and the Downfall of the Weimar Republic.”

May 9 – Dr. Beverly Driver Eddy, Emerita Professor of German,  Dickinson College, Carlysle, PA,  “The Ritchie Boys.”           

May 16 – Kim Bobo, executive director of the Virginia Interfaith Center for Public Policy, “Prison Reform”

May 23 – Arnie Bernstein, professor of writing, Morton College in Cicero, Illinois and Triton College in River Grove, Ill., “Swastika Nation.”


Note: The programs/speakers listed are scheduled at Reflector press time.  Any changes will be communicated to members.  

The following are some photos from the recent Intergenerational Seder with the RTA students.