Home Agencies Beth Sholom receives the Neil November Distinguished Community Service Award

Beth Sholom receives the Neil November Distinguished Community Service Award

CEO Morris “Mo Funk” holds the Neil November Distinguished Community Service Award.

Beth Sholom is honored to be a recipient of the Neil November Distinguished Community Service Award.

This award named in honor of philanthropist and civic leader, Neil November (OBM), recognizes those volunteer(s) in our community who have and continue to exhibit a lifetime of outstanding service, leadership, and achievement in our community.

In the past, the award was presented to an individual or individuals.  In announcing the award, last year’s honoree Miriam Davidow noted, “In recognition of all the chaos that was wrought over the past years, … the committee believed that this year, special recognition was necessary, and thus, the selection of an unprecedented awardees.”

The award was presented to Beth Sholom Senior Living, Jewish Family Services, the Weinstein Jewish Community Center and the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond at the 87th JCFR Annual Meeting on June 8.

Beth Sholom extends our sincere thank you to the JCFR and the Neil November Distinguished Community Service Award Committee for this distinction!

To learn more about Beth Sholom, visit www.bethsholomliving.org.

Beth Sholom Senior Living is supported, in part, by a generous contribution, and programming and COVID Crisis Relief Funds from the Jewish Community Federation of Richmond.