Home Agencies RJF Scholarships for Jewish Camps/Israel Study

RJF Scholarships for Jewish Camps/Israel Study


The information from Richmond Jewish Foundation is available to interested parents and students who wish to attend a Jewish overnight summer camp and/or study in Israel:

Deadline:  March 3, 2023

 Mooney, Rose and Mosey Greenberg Israel Scholarship Fund

This fund awards need-based scholarships for travel to Israel to greater Richmond, VA area students between the ages of 15-22 at the time of departure.

Size of Awards:  Generally, grants are approximately $500- $1,000.

Karp/Sroka Memorial Fund

This fund provides need-based scholarships to children from the Richmond, and Tidewater metropolitan areas for Jewish overnight camps.

Size of Awards:  Generally, grants are approximately $375- $550.

 To apply for either, visit http://www.rjfoundation.org/scholarships/